
Serving our community, our state, and the world

Our church mission statement is “We Open Our Hearts to God and Our Arms to Others. It finds its foundation in the Great Commandment, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37-39 NIV) In response, we give our hearts to God through worship and discipleship, and we open our arms to others by loving and serving our neighbors. 

Loving Our Community

We partner with Banks Road Elementary School by providing school supplies and classroom supplies, and by engaging our church family to provide need gifts through the school’s Angel Tree project. We continue to look for additional opportunities to serve the students, faculty, staff and their families.

We held a Community Easter Egg Hunt for the children and their families that live in our community. We offered crafts, the opportunity for children and/or family photos, refreshments, and a thousand egg hunt. The response to our first edition was remarkable, drawing children and families from across the wide diversity of our community. As we dream next year’s event, we are already planning to double the number of eggs for the hunt to make the event even more fun for the children.

Loving Children in Need

We partner with the Kennedy Home (Baptist Children’s Homes of NC) in Kinston, NC to by providing work crews for campus clean up days and provide other resources to empower their work with children in crisis and need.

Loving Those in Crisis

In partnership with NC Baptist on Mission, our church has sent teams to work in home clean up and restoration in communities impacted by natural disasters in the eastern part of our state.

Loving Those Across the Globe

  • In partnership with NC Baptist on Mission, our church is engaged in a church planting effort in Moldova. We partner with a “mother” church to help fund, equip, and support a church planter working in a specific community. This is a new partnership for us. We anticipate the scope of the partnership will grow, including the sending of mission teams to Moldova to help work with the church planter side by side.

Loving Others Through Baptist Partnerships

Triangle Baptist Church partners with the Raleigh Baptist Association, the Baptist State Convention of NC, and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of NC. These three vibrant Baptist organizations provide us the opportunity to partner with other Baptist in our region, and across the state, to meet real needs of people in a diversity of ways. An upcoming partnership opportunity is SERVENC.

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